Autistic traits affect our exploration methods
A study of 77 university students found a link between autistic traits and success in an exploration game.
New Insights: How Mars became unhabitable?
NASA’s Curiosity rover currently exploring Gale crater on Mars.
Mars ancient water: NASA’s Curiosity searches for new clues
NASA’s Curiosity reaches Mar's Gediz Vallis.
Curiosity tastes first sample in Clay-Bearing Unit
Scientists working with NASA's Curiosity Mars rover have been excited to explore a region called "the clay-bearing unit" since before the spacecraft launched. Now,...
NASA’s Curiosity captured two solar eclipses on Mars
When NASA's Curiosity Mars rover landed in 2012, it brought along eclipse glasses. The solar filters on its Mast Camera (Mastcam) allow it to...
After a reset, Curiosity is operating normally
On Feb 13, NASA's Opportunity rover on Mars was declared ‘dead’, leaving Curiosity as NASA’s only functioning rover left on the planet Mars. Now,...
New Model Predicts When People Are Willing To Try New Things
People keep moving forward, open new doors, and try new things. Because they are curious and curiosity keeps leading them down new paths. For...