Circadian clock
Neanderthal ancestors may have been early risers
Substantial genetic differences in the circadian systems of Neanderthals and modern humans.
Advancements in understanding circadian rhythms: Latest research
Unveiling the mechanisms of circadian clock timing with cryptochrome-timeless structure.
Understanding the internal mechanism of biological clocks
Findings create a new model for investigating diseases related to circadian rhythm disruptions.
Disrupted circadian clock poses a greater risk of retinal degeneration
A study of old flies offers new insight into retinal degeneration.
Bees can tell time by temperature
The circadian clocks of bees can be altered by another surprising factor: temperature cycles inside the hive.
Cellular clocks can be synchronized without the intervention of external signals
Understanding cellular clock synchronization.
How the circadian clock regulates liver genes in time and space?
A first comprehensive study of how genes in the liver perform their metabolic functions in both space and time of day.
Circadian rhythms drive beta cell regeneration
Scientists identified the essential role of circadian clocks in the regeneration of insulin-producing cells.
Biological clocks impact immune response efficiency
Study shows a role for circadian clocks in controlling the magnitude of the response of T cells to antigen presentation by dendritic cells.
How our biological clocks are locked in sync
Scientists from EPFL's Institute of Bioengineering have discovered that our circadian clock and our cell-cycle are in fact, synchronized.
Circadian clock sets the rhythm for our cells’ powerhouses, study
Cell energy metabolism additionally takes the beat of the circadian clock. A University of Basel study has now demonstrated precisely how this functions by...
Our Muscles Measure the Time of Day
Biological clock, an inherent timing mechanism in a living system, ticks everywhere throughout our body. It is a mechanism in the brain that synchronizes all...
ZeitZeiger: Computer Tells the Time According To Your Body Clock
Everyone has a natural body clock- a unique set of genes that they are born with. These genes turn on and off and tell...