Black Hole

Hubble discovers a double Quasar in the distant Universe

They existed when the universe was just 3 billion years old.

Hubble sees a black hole streaking too fast to take time for a snack

A runaway black hole creates a trail of stars.

An explosion the size of our solar system baffled scientists

The flattest explosion ever seen in space.

A new family of black holes discovered

The new family already has two members, and both are closer to Earth.

Brightest gamma-ray burst ever reveals new mysteries of cosmic explosions

Scientists believe the gamma-ray emission, which lasted over 300 seconds, is the birth cry of a black hole.

Scientists discovered one of the biggest black holes ever

An object over 30 billion times the mass of our Sun.

AI uncovered a secret equation for weighing galaxy clusters

A better way to estimate the mass of colossal clusters of galaxies.

Indirect evidence found for the existence of dark matter surrounding black holes

The study provides an important new direction for future dark matter research.

Discovery of bubble-blowing relativistic jets at the center of the Teacup galaxy

Study reveals a process that explains the peculiar morphology of the central region of the Teacup galaxy.

New insights into one of the cosmos’ most extreme environments

A star’s unexpected survival.

Chandra detected a galaxy lonelier than expected

The result may push the limits for how quickly astronomers expect galaxies to grow in the early universe.

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