

Breath odor-based individual authentication using an artificial olfactory sensor could become possible in the near future as represented by this artist’s rendering.

Biometric authentication using breath

Amit Malewar

Breath could be the next biometric authentication for your smartphone.

MIT researchers have developed a system, called Marko, that leverages radio-frequency (RF) signal reflections off human bodies to wirelessly monitor people’s movement inside their homes to provide insight for behavioral research and to help caretakers keep an eye on patients in assisted-living facilities.

Wireless movement-tracking system could collect health and behavioral data

Pranjal Malewar

MIT scientists have taken a step forward to leverage wireless signal's (that flows around us and bouncing off our bodies) reflections with the aim...

Autonomous self-driving car is recognizing road signs. Computer vision and artificial intelligence concept.

Want computers to see better in the real world? Train them in a virtual reality

Amit Malewar

Researchers have built up another approach to enhance how computers "see" and "understand" protests in reality via preparing the computer vision frameworks in a...

Image shows the time window for attacks on the Real-Time Captcha system

Real-time CAPTCHA technology improves biometric authentication

Pranjal Malewar

Captcha technology– initially an acronym for "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart" – is broadly used to keep bots...

IBM's Future of identity study suggests millennials poised to disrupt authentication
Social Science

IBM’s Future of identity study suggests millennials poised to disrupt authentication

Amit Malewar

IBM Security today unveils a global think about looking at buyer points of view around advanced character and confirmation, which found that individuals now...

MasterCard Reveals Next-Generation Biometric Card

MasterCard Reveals Next-Generation Biometric Card

Amit Malewar

Major credit card company MasterCard recently revealed its next generation of biometric card. The card actually consists of chip technology with fingerprints that conveniently...

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