UC Berkeley

An artist’s rendering of a crewed Martian biomanufactory powered by photovoltaics and capable of synthesizing food and pharmaceuticals, manufacturing biopolymers and recycling biological waste. (Artwork credit: Davian Ho)

Solar power is better than Nuclear power for Martian settlements

Amit Malewar

A new perspective on Mars colonization

Image showing lady wearing face mask

Wearing face masks effectively reduce COVID-19 spread

Pranjal Malewar

The intervention tripled mask usage and reduced symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections.

The CRISPR-SNP-Chip device uses CRISPR molecules and graphene transistors to detect target single-point-mutations in DNA samples. (Photo courtesy of Cardea Bio).

New hand-held device to detect point mutations in sickle cell and ALS diseases

Pranjal Malewar

CRISPR-Chip advance streamlines genetic testing for medical diagnostics and research.

New surface coating can create false infrared images

New surface coating can create false infrared images

Ashwini Sakharkar

A way to imbed visual “decoys” into surfaces of objects in a way that can fool people.

Scans of brain activity in seven-year-olds are helping Northeastern researchers predict symptoms of depression, anxiety, and attentional problems in teenagers. Photo by Ruby Wallau/Northeastern University

Brain scans can predict children’s mental health problems

Pranjal Malewar

Scans of brain activity in seven-year-olds are helping Northeastern researchers predict symptoms of depression, anxiety, and attentional problems in teenagers.

Drones will fly for days with this new technology

Drones will fly for days with this new technology

Amit Malewar

Thermophotovoltaic power conversion utilizes thermal radiation from a local heat source to generate electricity in a photovoltaic cell. On a solar cell, the addition...

Robotic arm stacking layers of 2D tissues

New device paves the way to 3D-printed organs, food

Pranjal Malewar

3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of making three-dimensional solid objects from a digital file. It enables users to produce complex (functional)...

Two-dimensional metal carbides spark a reaction that splits water into oxygen and valuable hydrogen gas. Berkeley researchers have discovered an easy new recipe for cooking up these nanometer-thin sheets that is nearly as simple as making Jell-O from a box. (Xining Zang graphic, copyright Wiley)

Researchers use jiggly Jell-O to make powerful new hydrogen fuel catalyst

Pranjal Malewar

Scientists at the UC Berkeley have developed a new, efficient catalyst that can produce hydrogen fuel from water. Working as effective as Platinum, this...

Many personal care products contain chemicals that are known endocrine-disruptors. A new study shows that prenatal exposure to two common chemicals, diethyl phosphate and triclosan, may be linked to earlier puberty in girls.

Prenatal exposure to chemicals in personal care products may speed puberty in girls

Pranjal Malewar

Many previous studies have suggested that girls and possibly boys have been experiencing puberty at progressively younger ages. Puberty at an early age may lead...

Stereotypes measurably influence how we treat each other
Social Science

Stereotypes measurably influence how we treat each other

Pranjal Malewar

UC Berkeley neuroscientist Ming Hsu and individual analysts have created a computational model that can anticipate how much we discriminate against each other are...

Zika virus in blood with red blood cells, a virus which causes Zika fever found in Brazil and other tropical countries

Blood tests reveal broad extent of Zika infection

Pranjal Malewar

In a new study by the UC Berkeley, scientists showed that almost half of the population in Managua, Nicaragua, has been infected with the...

Engineered sand to purify stormwater

Engineered sand to purify stormwater

Pranjal Malewar

Stormwater runoff is often worsened by human activities and can contain nitrogen and phosphorus pollutants from fertilizers, pet and yard waste. Because stormwater flows...

nature, best medicine for PTSD

Nature is proving to be awesome medicine for PTSD

Amit Malewar

In a new study by UC Berkeley scientists, the amazement we feel in nature can significantly decrease the side effects of post-traumatic stress disorder....

The SQUID-based amplifier, which is about a millimeter square, is supercooled to be sensitive to faint signals from axions, should they convert into a microwave photon in the ADMX detector. Sean O'Kelley image

Start of most sensitive search yet for dark matter axion

Amit Malewar

Scientists at the University of California, Berkeley have recently developed low-noise superconducting quantum amplifiers through which, they are embarking the most sensitive search yet for axions,...

Berkeley Lab and UC Berkeley researchers developed a model to analyze taxi trips provided by shared automated electric vehicles in Manhattan; blue represents an empty vehicle, green is charging, and red is occupied.

Fleet of automated electric taxis could deliver environmental and energy benefits

Amit Malewar

Scientists at the UC Berkeley have developed a new model that could analyze taxi trips provided by shared automated electric vehicles in Manhattan. It...

Probes inject positive and negative charges in the light emitting device, which is transparent under the campanile outline, producing bright light

Atomically-thin light emitting device opens the possibility for ‘invisible’ displays

Editorial Team

UC Berkeley engineers have built a bright-light emitting device that is millimeters wide and fully transparent when turned off. The light-emitting material in this...

Pyrene molecules, which are four-ring, 16-carbon polycyclic hydrocarbons, are likely formed around giant stars. This artist's rendering shows the molecules in an asteroid belt, with carbon atoms shown in black and hydrogen atoms in white. Scientists have recreated the chemical steps for making pyrene in space. (Credit: NASA-JPL-Caltech)

How to make space molecules?

Editorial Team

Complex carbon-based particles found in meteorites have for some time been a problem for Earth-bound scientists. Thus scientists are very keen to know how...

Areas of the brain that get input from the eyes can be hijacked to control something outside the brain, such as a computer that generates a tone. Yellow arrows represent feedback between the rat’s visual cortex and striatum, which is key to learning new tasks. Ryan Neely image.

Retraining neurons to take action

Amit Malewar

Scientists at the University of California, Berkeley along with Columbia University and the Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown in Lisbon, Portugal have demonstrated the astounding...

Grace O'Connell, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, heads the project to develop a systematic way to predict which patients are most vulnerable to secondary fractures or disc degeneration following spinal fusion

Mechanical engineering to help back surgery

Amit Malewar

Almost half million Americans went for back surgery treat the impacts of circle degeneration, and others experience less basic surgical medicines. A shockingly high level of patients,...

Passing through the outer or event horizon of a black hole would be uneventful for a massive black hole. Animation by Andrew Hamilton, based on supercomputer simulation by John Hawley

Scientists suggest that some black holes erase your past

Amit Malewar

Your past circumstances or choices may have contributed to or led to your present, but what you do with your presentation will contribute or...

Blood sample

CRISPR-Cas12a enables cutting-edge diagnostics, study

Pranjal Malewar

Originally discovered in 2015, CRISPR-CAS12a, one of the DNA-cutting protein now turned into a most powerful tool for disease diagnostics. It has supercharged natural...

Mothers, sisters, wives rank among most difficult kin
Social Science

Mothers, sisters, wives rank among most difficult kin

Pranjal Malewar

A large portion of us endure grumblers, naggers, control monstrosities and other irritating individuals in our lives in light of current circumstances – we're...

Deportation was associated with multiple cardiovascular health risk

Deportation was associated with multiple cardiovascular health risk

Amit Malewar

A recent study directed by specialists at UC San Francisco and UC Berkeley's Center for Environmental Research and Children's Health (CERCH) found that stress...

Science Shows Why Shoelaces Come Untied

Science Shows Why Shoelaces Come Untied

Amit Malewar

There was a mystery that why shoelaces come untied. Now, the Mechanical Engineers at UC Berkeley have found an answer to it. The answer is, a...

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