Solar system

Ice fossils found in meteorite

Evidence of ice fossils on the surface of a meteorite.

ESO Telescope Reveals What Could be the Smallest Dwarf Planet Yet in the Solar System

Astronomers using ESO’s SPHERE instrument at the Very Large Telescope (VLT) have revealed that the asteroid Hygiea could be classified as a dwarf planet....

Age-old debate on Saturn’s rings reignited

A study that dates the rings as most likely to have formed early in the solar system.

The newly discovered comet might be an interstellar visitor

If it is interstellar, it would be only the second such object detected.

First Water Detected on Planet in the Habitable Zone

The first successful atmospheric detection of an exoplanet orbiting in its star’s habitable zone, at a distance where water can exist in liquid form.

Harvard astronomer discovered exoplanet without an atmosphere

Prospects clouded for finding life on the largest class of planets.

New study determined the Moon is much older than previously believed

The moon is a very old soul. Now, the new analysis of lunar rocks brought to Earth by Apollo astronauts determined that the Moon...

Scientists reproduced the dynamics behind high-energy astrophysical shocks

Now experiments led by researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) in the Princeton Center for Heliophysics have for the first time reproduced the process behind the source of astrophysical shocks.

Astronomers observed two dwarf planets with gas disk around them

Using Earth’s most powerful array of radio telescopes, astronomers have made the first observations of two dwarf planets with the gas disk around them.

Meteors help Martian clouds form

Enormous cloud-like plumes reaching 260km above the surface of Mars have left scientists baffled. This is way beyond Mars’s typical weather, entering into the...

Moon formation brought water to the Earth

Earth is the only terrestrial planet with a large amount of water and a relatively large moon, which stabilizes the Earth's axis. Earth grew...

Explosions of universe’s first stars spewed powerful jets

After the Big Bang and before the first stars ignited, the universe was a very dark and cold place. There were no galaxies, no...

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