
The first high-resolution map of a massive explosion

A gas outflow so large that it would take 20,000 years for light to travel from one side to the other.

Revolutionizing Hydrogen Storage: New Material to Power the Future

Learn about the latest advancements in hydrogen storage technology and how it can drive the future of clean energy solutions.

NASA’s Juno mission calculated the rate of oxygen production at Europa

Enough to keep a million humans breathing for a day.

Hubble Telescope detects water vapour in the atmosphere of smallest exoplanet GJ 9827d

Astronomers using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope have made a groundbreaking discovery in their search for exoplanets. For the first time, they have detected...

Potential origins of life uncovered in ancient hot springs

Research turns to ancient hot springs to explore the origins of life on Earth.

Converting CO2 into solid carbon nanofibers

Tandem electrocatalytic-thermocatalytic conversion could help offset emissions.

Meteorite analysis: Earth’s building blocks contained water

Study combines meteorite data with thermodynamic modeling.

The clearest picture of the Sun

Zooming into the Sun.

Scientists discovered solar-wind hydrogen in lunar samples

Hydrogen stored in grain rims is a source for volatiles released in the exosphere during impacts.

Generating clean electricity with chicken feathers

Turning unused waste from food production into clean energy.

Making green hydrogen from plastic waste

Graphene by-product offsets ‘flash’ hydrogen production costs, Rice study finds.

New research could help advance clean energy storage technology

Striking gold with molecular mystery solution for potential clean energy.

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