
Electrons in Earth’s plasma may be forming water on the Moon

High energy electrons in earth's magnetosphere: A tool for Moonwater formation.

Sci­en­tists develop fermionic quan­tum pro­ces­sor

A new type of quantum computer that uses fermionic atoms to simulate complex physical systems.

Quantum entanglement wave detected for the first time

An artificial quantum magnet featuring a quasiparticle.

Hydrogen and electricity can be combined to make pharmaceutical drugs

Technique for using hydrogen and electricity to create pharmaceuticals.

Physicists identified a mechanism for the formation of oscillating superconductivity

Physicists open new path to an exotic form of superconductivity.

The microscopic phases of magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene were observed for the first time

New study captures behavior of interacting electrons that give rise to insulating states.

Study predicted another surprising property of hydrogen

Theoretical physicists calculate unusual behaviour of electrons.

Unusual ultrafast motion discovered in layered magnetic materials

The discovery was inspired by the experiments of Einstein and de Haas.

Invar alloys stay the same size when heated

The Invar effect: A thermodynamic explanation.

A unique microscopic toolkit for a new generation of bioelectronic devices

Pioneering study signals new era of environment-friendly programmable bioelectronics.

First snapshots of fermion pairs

JILA physicists make record-breaking measurement of a key electron property.

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