Earth's atmosphere

Living organisms influence the distribution of Arsenic than previously thought
Interpreting traces of arsenic in rain.

Scientists discovered a phenomenon that impacts Earth’s radiation belts
Specularly reflected whistler.

How climate change is altering the Earth’s rotation and day length
The speed of rotation will now also depend much more on the climate.

Researchers find Earth and space share the same turbulence
Air turbulence in the Earth’s thermosphere is governed by the same principles as those in the troposphere.

What caused an extreme ice-age climate in Earth’s history?
What made Earth a giant snowball 700m years ago?

New research solves the mystery of “earthquakes” or “tremors” cause
The process of extracting oil causes tremors.

Strange: Mars is spinning faster
Data sent by the spacecraft provided new details about how fast the planet rotates.

Measuring the effectiveness of the land’s carbon sink
Evidence & attribution for land carbon sink enhancement.

Scientists discovered 600-million-year-old ocean water in the Himalayas
Scientists have found a time capsule for paleo oceans.

The tidal pull of the Moon caused the slow and steady lengthening of Earth’s day
Astrophysicists reveal why Earth’s day was a constant 19.5 hours for over a billion years.

Global warming could surge the CO2 emissions from soil microbes
Microbial CO2 emissions in the polar regions will increase twice as much as in the rest of the world.

Scientists unveiled global observations of carbon dioxide aurora
Scientists unveiled global observations of aurora associated with carbon dioxide using satellite measurements.

Solar eruptions may have formed the first building blocks of life on Earth
A stormy, active Sun may have kickstarted life.

Solar-powered balloons detect mysterious sounds in the stratosphere
Data-collecting balloons capture low-frequency sound in the Earth’s atmosphere.

NASA’S Chandra identified a new stellar danger to planets
An exploded star can pose more risks to nearby planets than previously thought.

How to pull carbon dioxide out of seawater
A new method for removing greenhouse gas from the ocean could be far more efficient.

New analysis shows how quickly meteorites can be contaminated by Earth’s atmosphere
Analysis of meteorites can provide insights into the asteroids they come from and how they have formed.

Moon dust could help protect the earth from climate change
Could space dust help protect the earth from climate change?

New catalysts could be key for the hydrogen economy
Inexpensive catalyst uses energy from light to turn ammonia into hydrogen fuel.

Mars churns up surprisingly Earth-like cloud patterns
A new study dives deeper into two dust storms.

Earth can regulate its own temperature over millennia
A “stabilizing feedback” on 100,000-year timescales keeps global temperatures in check.

Water on the Moon may have come from Earth’s atmosphere
An additional way to explain how water accumulates on the moon.

Confirmed: Meteorite that hit Earth in 2014 was interstellar
It may have left interstellar debris on the seafloor.

Earth’s primordial atmosphere likely made it harder to generate lightning
The primordial atmosphere might have made it more difficult for lightning to initiate.

Study reveals hostile conditions on Earth as life evolved
Ozone (O3), making up a tiny proportion of Earth's atmosphere by weight, is one of Earth's most essential molecules for life. Without a substantial...