
Coronavirus spike proteins detected in 5 minutes
By shining a low-power laser, similar to a laser pointer, on a particular chip coated with antibodies for coronavirus spike proteins,

SARS-CoV-2 variants: How a set of key covariates affect viral kinetics?
A prospective observational cohort study.

The cost-saving potential of a universal coronavirus vaccine before the next pandemic
Offering some degree of protection against a range of strains.

How ultraviolet light degrades coronavirus?
SARS-CoV-2 has among the largest of genomes for RNA viruses.

NPBI-based air purifiers could reduce airborne virus infectivity by up to 99.98%
The experiment used real-world concentrations of COVID-19 strains, flu and RSV viruses.

Universal siRNA treatment for COVID-19 shows promise
Novel siRNAs show promise against multiple SARS-CoV-2 variants.

CARD8 can detect a range of viruses, including COVID-19
Study suggests the inflammasome-forming sensor is critical to identifying COVID-19 infection.

Wastewater could be used to track more viruses than COVID-19
Researchers have developed methods to track respiratory viruses in wastewater.

Differentiating antibody targets using Machine Learning Model
The new approach successfully differentiates between antibodies against influenza and those attacking SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

A chewing gum that could reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission
It could be given to patients whose infection status is unknown or even for a dental check-up when masks need to be removed to...

Study reveals global ‘hot spots’ where new coronaviruses may emerge
Most of the current hot spots are clustered in China.

COVID-19 triggers a biochemical pathway in the lungs
New insights into the immune response to SARS-CoV-2 infections could bring better treatments for COVID-19 cases.

Ultrasound can potentially damage coronaviruses, study
Simulations show ultrasound waves at medical imaging frequencies can cause the virus’ shell and spikes to collapse and rupture.

A method for boosting the sensitivity of rapid-detection tests
Novel sandwich technology improves the sensitivity of rapid tests.

Studying the disparate immune responses of men and women to the COVID-19
Scientists unravel the mystery of sex disparities in COVID-19 outcomes.

Study reveals brain damage of patients with COVID-19
Study uncovers blood vessel damage and inflammation in COVID-19 patients’ brains but no infection.

Coronavirus has landed in the last continent previously free from Covid-19
Covid cases have now been recorded on all seven continents.

Study detail the mechanisms underlying SARS-CoV-2 infection
‘Mini-lungs’ reveal early stages of SARS-CoV-2 infection.

A reusable heated face mask to filter and inactivate coronaviruses
A heated face mask to filter and inactivate coronaviruses.

Coronavirus remains active on human skin for nine hours
The pathogen that causes the flu survives on human skin for about 1.8 hours by comparison.

Striking images of SARS-CoV-2 infected cells
High-powered microscopic images shows startlingly high SARS-CoV-2 viral loads on human respiratory surfaces.

Coronavirus could infect embryos as early as during the second week of pregnancy
COVID-19 could affect the ability of the embryo to properly implant into the womb.

Oxford coronavirus vaccine induces strong immune responses
A safe, effective and accessible vaccine against coronavirus.

1 in 3 young adults may face severe COVID-19
Smoking habits trump asthma, obesity in risk factors for an otherwise healthy population.

A new robotic system that powerfully disinfects large surfaces in half an hour
A team from MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), in collaboration with Ava Robotics and the Greater Boston Food Bank (GBFB), designed...

An epidemic model indicates that COVID-19 likely to cause 235,000 U.S. deaths by October
An epidemic model developed by Professors in Texas Tech University's Department of Mechanical Engineering through the Edward E. Whitacre Jr. College of Engineering that...

The pink eye is a primary symptom of COVID-19
The earlier list of symptoms of coronavirus includes Cough, fever, and Shortness of breath. Later on, CDC offers six new symptoms of COVID-19 that...

COVID-19 patients with high cortisol are at greater risk of death
The study, led by NIHR Research Professor Waljit Dhillo from Imperial College London and Consultant Endocrinologist at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, suggests that...