
Astronomers traced the journey of one of life’s building blocks

Phosphorus, present in our DNA and cell membranes, is an essential element for life as we know it. But how it arrived on the...

New source of magnetic storms discovered near Earth

Researchers discover a new source of space weather – too close to home.

It takes two stars to make a gamma-ray burst

Stars need a partner to spin the universe's brightest explosions.

Inside the Crab Nebula: NASA’s stunning visualization

The inner structure of the Crab nebula revealed.

Second ever neutron star collision observed

This would be only the second time this type of event has ever been observed in gravitational waves.

A massive black hole mystery has been solved

It is a very intriguing object.

A mysterious repeating radio signal has been traced to a nearby galaxy

A mysterious repeating radio signal made astronomers to rethink their previous assumptions about how these signals are generated.

Study pinpointed the origin of a very high-energy gamma-ray source

This study provides new insights on the origin of the very high energy gamma-ray source VER J1907+062 through new high-quality radio observations.

Mars is losing water more quickly than expected

Water vapor is accumulating in large quantities and unexpected proportions.

Weighing exoplanets using a new tool

NASA's new planet tracker, NEID.

Dark matter clumps detected near large- and medium-sized galaxies

Ghostly dark matter uncovered in small concentrations by cosmic magnifying glasses.

New precise measurement of the universe’s expansion rate

It strengthens the call for new physics.

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