How Serious is Postmenopausal Bleeding?

Discussing approaches for evaluating diagnostic and treatment options.


Postmenopause is the time after a woman’s menstrual periods have ceased for 12 consecutive months. If you’re postmenopausal, you shouldn’t be bleeding. Postmenopause is defined as the day when women do not menstruate for 12 consecutive months. But, if women still bleeding, there might a serious problem.

Deciding the reality of the issue and treating it, isn’t generally obvious. A presentation at the North American Menopause Society (NAMS) Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, provides new evidence about the reliability and risks of various diagnostic approaches.

There are various causes of Postmenopausal Bleeding. Some causes have few health consequences whereas some lead to cancers. In the US, almost 10,470 deaths estimated due to the type of gynecologic cancer.

90% of women reported with vaginal bleeding, the primary symptom of endometrial cancer. The cause of bleeding for most postmenopausal women will be something much more benign, such as thinning of the vaginal walls or uterine lining as a result of fluctuating hormone levels. Depending on risk factors, 1-14% of ladies with postmenopausal draining will have endometrial cancer.

With such high stakes, standardized treatment required for 100% accuracy in correctly diagnosing the cause of the bleeding.

Dr. Steven Goldstein of the New York University School of Medicine said, “There continues to be confusion in the way postmenopausal bleeding is treated. It is not effective to just rely on routine triggers for further evaluation. Rather, an individualized assessment based on patient characteristics and risk factors is appropriate.”

“This presentation will shed light on a very important issue and hopefully help educate healthcare providers on the need for individualized treatment.”
