In collaboration, researchers at German and Danish universities have made advances in plasmonic resonators that could pave the way for developing 1000x faster computer chips.
As electrons are fundamental building blocks for electricity, and in computers, electrons move through circuits, creating electric signals that depict data. While electrons too transmit data quite efficiently, photons travel faster than electrons. Using light (photon) instead of electricity (electron) can dramatically increase the speed of computer operations.
Unlike electrons, photons are massless subatomic particles, traveling way faster than electrons – at the speed of light. Therefore, photons are more convenient for data transfer. In communication networks, Light replaced electrons a long time ago (fiber optic cables). Still, computers haven’t made the shift yet.
Electrons are not just slower than light but also energetically inefficient. When electrons travel through semiconductors, the silicon and other metal atoms scatter electrons, producing more heat.
This is the core reason why computers heat up during high-end data processing. If light is used instead of electrons, computers could perform more efficiently with less power consumption.
Plasmonic Resonators, also called antennas for light, serve as the best structure for much faster data transmissions. These resonators significantly enhance the interaction between light and matter, improving the processing speed. With their geometry, plasmonic resonators interact better with different light frequencies.
Acoustic resonator device paves the way for better communication
What is the issue in integrating Plasmonic Resonators in computers?
The foremost obstacle is that the plasmonic resonators cannot yet be effectively modulated, which hinders the development of light-based fast switches.
Julius-Maximilians-Universität (JMU), in collaboration with Southern Denmark University (SDU), achieved electrically controlled modulation. Researchers have found a way to prevent these plasmons using electrical signals.
This faster manipulation of plasmons at the nanoscale could be a breakthrough in developing faster computer chips.
Journal Reference
- Zurak, L., Wolf, C., Meier, J., Kullock, R., Mortensen, N. A., Hecht, B., & Feichtner, T. (2024). Modulation of surface response in a single plasmonic nanoresonator. Science Advances. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adn5227