Having romantic relationships with coworkers can harm the workplace culture

Workplace ostracism refers to an employee’s perception of being excluded, ignored, or rejected in the workplace. A study published in PLOS ONE by Jun...

Lockdowns caused by COVID-19 are associated with less accurate memory of event timing

Participants in a survey study made a relatively high number of errors when asked to recollect the timing of major events that took place...

In Sub-Saharan Africa, nearly 30% of young children may be affected by malaria

Almost three out of ten children in 13 Sub-Saharan Africa countries are infected with malaria, with older under-five children living in large families with...

Children are more curious to explore the unknown than great apes

Children are more curious to explore the unknown than great apes, but after a glimpse of the potential rewards, apes learn to investigate uncertain...

Having facility dogs in children’s hospitals is beneficial for both the patients and the staff

Full-time hospital facillity dogs can provide valuable support during terminal illness and help gain patients’ cooperation, according to a new study that surveyed the...

An algorithm is used to sharpen protein films

Proteins perform biochemical tasks, using new algorithm to evaluate measurements.

Antarctic ice sheet rocks reveal surprising past

This unexpected find shows that glaciers in the region were able to regrow following earlier shrinkage.

Low sexual satisfaction is linked to memory decline later in life

Low sexual satisfaction in middle age may predict cognitive decline.

Scientists categorized more than hundreds of Blazers

Testing a theory of supermassive black holes with 100 newly described 'blazars'.

Researchers are developing an innovative strategy to fight obesity

Ex vivo gene therapy to fight obesity and diabetes in mice.

Scientists found the world’s deepest fish

Scientists break new record after finding world's deepest fish.

Webb maps surprisingly large plume jetting from Saturn’s moon Enceladus

A water vapour plume from Saturn’s moon Enceladus spanning more than 9600 kilometres — long enough to stretch across the Eurasian continent from Ireland...