Men with large waistline are more likely to die of prostate cancer

There is a link between central adiposity and risk of death from prostate cancer.

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Prostate cancer is the second most common cause of cancer-explicit demise among men in the UK. The ailment affects one out of six men during their lifetime, causing more than a quarter of all new male cancer cases, and almost 12,000 deaths consistently in the UK. There is some proof that recommends a connection between adiposity and the probability of dying from prostate cancer. Yet, more examination was expected to affirm this affiliation and decide if it isn’t just the amount and the dissemination of fat inside the body.

A study of more than 200,000 UK men, being presented at this year’s European and International Conference on Obesity (ECOICO), held online this year from September 1-4, reveals that there is a link between central adiposity (concentration of body fat around the belly and waist) and the risk of death from prostate cancer.

A total of 218,225 men were selected for the study. The men were voluntary participants in the UK Biobank study, free from cancer at the baseline date. Their health was followed for 10.8 years using data from health administrative databases. Details of body mass index (BMI), total body fat percentage (measured using bioimpedance), waist circumference, and waist-to-hip ratio were collected when each volunteer was recruited. 

Complex statistical analyses that accounted for medical history and socioeconomic and lifestyle factors were used to estimate links between the risk of dying from prostate cancer and adiposity measures.

During the follow-up period, 571 men died the bucket from prostate cancer. The specialists found that while there was no clear association of BMI or total fat rate with risk, there was a positive connection between proportions of focal adiposity and prostate cancer death. Those in the top 25% for waist circumference were 35% more likely to die of the prostate disease than men in the base 25%, while those in the top 25% for waist-to-hip ratio were 34% bound to die than men in the bottom 25%.

Dr. Perez-Cornago concludes: “We found a significant association between concentration of body fat around the belly and waist and the risk of prostate cancer death, but no clear association between total body fat and risk of prostate cancer death. However, a larger number of cases in this study and studies in other populations are needed to confirm these findings.”

“A high BMI increases the risk of other diseases, including other types of cancer, so people should consider the implications of excess body fat wherever it is found in the body.”

“Future work will examine associations between adiposity and aggressive types of prostate cancer, including advanced-stage and high-grade disease.”

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