HomeNucleic Acids Research

Nucleic Acids Research


Study revealed a mechanism that protects tissue after faulty gene expression

Pranjal Malewar

Scientists identified a protein complex that is activated by defects in the spliceosome.

Dna genetic biotechnology

Breakthrough RNA mapping method by HIRI researchers

Dr. Prajakta Banik

SHIFTR allows unbiased protein identification on RNA regions in live cells.

Image showing Stretches and tilts in the DNA double helix influence mutation rates.

DNA’s twists and turns affect how often mutations occur

Dr. Prajakta Banik

DNA's 3D structure influences mutation rates, a new study finds.

POLQ is able to anneal two single-stranded DNA tails utilizing a short homology sequence and is able to bypass DNA damage

Identifying a processor route for DNA damage from next-generation cancer treatment

Pranjal Malewar

POLQ repairs complex DNA double-strand breaks induced by heavy ionirradiation.

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