Nature Metabolism
Lab experiments with cancer cells reveal two ways in which tumors evade drugs
Study details how cancer cells fend off starvation & death from chemotherapy.
Regular exercisers have healthier belly fat
People with obesity who exercise regularly have healthier belly fat and store fat better than those who don't exercise.
What makes breast cancer cells starve
Breast cancer cells can switch on a pathway to produce alpha-ketoglutarate, a key metabolite usually made from glutamine.
Scientists found a protein that turns off brown fat activity
Can brown fat help in the fight against obesity?
Common diabetic drug linked to “anti-hunger” molecule causes weight loss
It may pave the way to a new class of weight loss drugs.
Research identifies the body’s reaction to seven days fasting
Adaptive proteomic changes in humans during 7-day caloric restriction.
How does obesity dismantle our mitochondria?
UC San Diego Study reveals key mechanism behind obesity-related metabolic dysfunction.
Vitamin B12’s role in cellular revitalization and tissue renewal
Vitamin B12 limits cellular plasticity and tissue repair.
Obesity drug enhances learning in people with obesity
Liraglutide's brain-boosting potential in obesity management.
Methanol biotransformation enables effective fatty acid production
This work reveals the mechanisms of methanol toxicity during bio-productions.
Study unravels neuronal mechanisms that control food cravings during pregnancy
Persistent cravings have consequences for the offspring.
Study challenges our understanding of premature ageing
The study offers a new outlook on how mitochondrial dysfunction may contribute to aging by affecting cellular nucleotide pools.