HomeJournal of Geophysical Research: Planets

Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets

Visible appearance of Jupiter and Saturn reconstructed from VLT/MUSE observations

A long-standing misunderstanding about the composition of Jupiter’s clouds resolved

Amit Malewar

Amateur astronomer helps solve Jupiter's cloud mystery.

Curiosity rover

Atmospheric pressure fluctuations could be driving Mars’ elusive methane pulses

Amit Malewar

Simulations will help Curiosity search for signs of past or present life on the Red Planet.

image of Europa’s surface

Europa’s plate tectonic activity is unlike Earth’s

Pranjal Malewar

The Europa has likely experienced intermittent, regional plate tectonic activity in the past.

Greenheugh Pediment

New evidence for an ancient northern ocean on Mars

Amit Malewar

The planet once experienced a sea-level rise.

Hubble’s Observations of Uranus and Neptune in 2021

Researchers explain why Uranus and Neptune are different colors

Editorial Team

Astronomers may now know why Uranus and Neptune are different colors. Using observations from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, as well as the Gemini...

New Evidence Suggests Venus may have had an Ocean

New Evidence Suggests Venus may have had an Ocean

Amit Malewar

Mars was once considered as the planet that has the potential to hold human life, likewise Earth. But the latest evidence suggests that the...

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