HomePhysics of Fluids

Physics of Fluids

cracks in clay

A recipe for predicting crack emergence in clay

Pranjal Malewar

Study holds promise in improving quality of paints used for coatings.

Close up of four newly changed nozzles in car diesel engine

Scientists theoretically linked ignition and deflagration in a combustion system

Amit Malewar

A roadmap to better combustion engines.

Woman exercising

Exercise may cause strokes in blocked arteries

Vidya Nagalwade

Heart rate increases plaque in blocked carotid arteries, affecting brain flow.

Hands with microplastics on the beach

Microplastics are a major issue in human airways

Vidya Nagalwade

Humans inhale 16.2 bits of plastic every hour.

Image showing earthquake scenarios.

Artificial Intelligence can be used to create a tsunami early warning system

Vidya Nagalwade

Early warnings for tsunamis are difficult due to underwater earthquakes.

Droplets merge

Watching water droplets merge on the International Space Station

Amit Malewar

If we want to analyze drops on Earth, we need to do it at a very small scale.

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