Physical Review X

Qubits to qudits: A new device uses quantum principles to relay information securely
Using quantum mechanics to transmit information more securely

A particle that’s massless when moving in one direction but has a mass in the other direction
This was totally unexpected.

Novel high-fidelity quantum computing gate
They achieved a fidelity of 99.92 percent for a two-qubit device.

Milestone: Quantum simulation with circular Rydberg qubits
The significance of circular Rydberg atoms.

New radical theory unifies Einstein’s gravity with quantum mechanics
Postquantum theory of classical gravity.

A new qubit circuit enables the accuracy of quantum computing
The advance brings quantum error correction a step closer to reality.

Breakthrough achieved in Monte Carlo computer simulations
Researchers develop new algorithm to effectively investigate long-range interacting systems.

Black holes ring: Physics to pay close attention
New methods will allow for better tests of Einstein's general theory of relativity using LIGO data.

A series of simulations offer a new perspective on the Universe’s structure
The distribution of galaxies in the universe is quite different.

A new way to control atomic nuclei as “qubits”
Using lasers, researchers can directly control a property of nuclei called spin.

A new technique for ultrafast control of spins in a microscope
The breakthrough can advance “spintronics".

New magnetic interactions might provide unique techniques to control electron transport
The research could pave the ways to manipulate electron flow with much less energy loss.

Scientists measured the binding state of light and matter for the first time
A molecule of light and matter.

What determines the droplet size in sprays?
A spray nozzle produces a range of droplet sizes that can often be summarized by a single number. Which single number is appropriate to use...

Quantum computer simulation of chemical bonds
Quantum chemistry endeavors to comprehend the complicated bonds and reactions of molecules with the assistance of quantum mechanics. Numerous subtle elements of a chemical...