HomePhysical Review X

Physical Review X

quantum information tranfer
Quantum Physics

Qubits to qudits: A new device uses quantum principles to relay information securely

Amit Malewar

Using quantum mechanics to transmit information more securely

Motion colorful dots pattern
Quantum Physics

A particle that’s massless when moving in one direction but has a mass in the other direction

Amit Malewar

This was totally unexpected.

Background of several blue and yellow lights flowing in motion into a single direction
Quantum Computing

Novel high-fidelity quantum computing gate

Amit Malewar

They achieved a fidelity of 99.92 percent for a two-qubit device.

circular strontium Rydberg atom
Quantum Computing

Milestone: Quantum simulation with circular Rydberg qubits

Pranjal Malewar

The significance of circular Rydberg atoms.

The above image was also generated using AI; in this case the AI image generator Stable Diffusion. Copyright: Forschungszentrum Jülich
AI & Machine Learning

Researchers programmed an AI that think like Newton or Einstein

Amit Malewar

AI as a Physicist.

experiment in which heavy particles
Quantum Physics

New radical theory unifies Einstein’s gravity with quantum mechanics

Amit Malewar

Postquantum theory of classical gravity.

researchers' superconducting qubit architecture
Quantum Computing

A new qubit circuit enables the accuracy of quantum computing

Amit Malewar

The advance brings quantum error correction a step closer to reality.

Visualisation of the process to calculate the new state of the spin

Breakthrough achieved in Monte Carlo computer simulations

Amit Malewar

Researchers develop new algorithm to effectively investigate long-range interacting systems.

Physicists to Listen Closely to Black Holes Ring
Quantum Physics

Black holes ring: Physics to pay close attention

Amit Malewar

New methods will allow for better tests of Einstein's general theory of relativity using LIGO data.

section of the universe

A series of simulations offer a new perspective on the Universe’s structure

Amit Malewar

The distribution of galaxies in the universe is quite different.

Diagram illustrates the way two laser beams of slightly different wavelengths
Quantum Computing

A new way to control atomic nuclei as “qubits”

Amit Malewar

Using lasers, researchers can directly control a property of nuclei called spin.

control of spins

A new technique for ultrafast control of spins in a microscope

Ashwini Sakharkar

The breakthrough can advance “spintronics".

Matter in Neutron Star Collisions

New model for matter in neutron star collisions

Amit Malewar

As dense as it gets!


New magnetic interactions might provide unique techniques to control electron transport

Pranjal Malewar

The research could pave the ways to manipulate electron flow with much less energy loss.

The atoms are polarized

Scientists measured the binding state of light and matter for the first time

Pranjal Malewar

A molecule of light and matter.

This nozzle extrudes liquid as a sheet, which fractures into droplets whose size can be predicted by a new formula. Credit: S. Kooij et al./Phys. Rev. X

What determines the droplet size in sprays?

Amit Malewar

A spray nozzle produces a range of droplet sizes that can often be summarized by a single number. Which single number is appropriate to use...

he researchers simulated the energy bonds of molecular hydrogen and lithium hydride. (Credit: IQOQI Innsbruck/Harald Ritsch)

Quantum computer simulation of chemical bonds

Amit Malewar

Quantum chemistry endeavors to comprehend the complicated bonds and reactions of molecules with the assistance of quantum mechanics. Numerous subtle elements of a chemical...

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Qubits to qudits: A new device uses quantum principles to relay information securely

Quantum Physics