Food activates brown fat

How brown adipose tissue reacts to a carbohydrate-rich meal?


Brown adipose tissue in people has been the subject of various examinations, as it has the correct inverse capacity of white adipose tissue, which stores vitality as capacity fats called triacylglycerides. In particular, brown fat consumes the vitality of the triacylglycerides.

Be that as it may, the action of this physiologically profoundly good fat tissue changes after some time: It diminishes with age, similarly as it does in obese people and diabetics. Consequently, approaches to warm up thermogenesis in darker fat are being looked for which can be utilized to avoid stoutness and diabetes.

Now, scientists at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) were able to demonstrate that food also increases the thermogenesis of brown fat, and not just cold as previously assumed.

Professor Martin Klingenspor said, “Studies showed that participants who spent hours in the cold chamber daily not only experienced an increase in the heat output of brown fat in the cold as they got used to the lower temperatures, but also an improvement in the control of blood sugar via insulin.”

Scientists investigated how a carbohydrate-rich meal affected the activity of brown adipose tissue.

Klingenspor said, “For the first time, it could be demonstrated that heat generation in brown adipose tissue could be activated by a test meal just as it would be by exposure to cold.”

Scientists investigated the same subjects twice once after a presentation to a cold stimulus, and a second time after ingestion of a starch-rich meal. Furthermore, a control assembly was incorporated. Essential markers for thermogenesis were estimated previously, then after the fact, which not just incorporated the ingestion of glucose and unsaturated fats, yet additionally the oxygen utilization in darker fat. To do as such, the analysts utilized aberrant calorimetry in a blend with positron emanation tomography and computed tomography (PET/CT).

Prof. Martin Klingenspor said, “Ten percent of daily energy input is lost due to the thermogenic effect of the food. This postprandial thermogenesis after eating comes not only from the obligatory heat generation due to muscle activity in the intestines, secretion, and digestive processes. There is apparently also a facultative component to which brown fat contributes. ”

Scientists have published their study in the journal Cell Metabolism.
