The current RAM standard is DDR4, which stands for Double Data Rate fourth generation. DDR4 is currently limited to Extreme processors, which are more expensive. Its data read and write speed ranges are in the range of 60 GB/s or higher.
But the drawback of the RAM with DDR4 is that it can’t be used to store data for extended periods. As it is a volatile memory which means data stored in it will be completely lost in case of power loss.
If considering bandwidth, it is insufficient for certain applications like massive databases and machine learning algorithms.
At the other hand, progress in the personal computing (PC) space can never be halted. The JEDEC (Joint Electron Device Engineering Council)- a standards organization is developing a new standard for RAM. The company indicates the arrival of DDR5 RAM, which will offer twice the bandwidth and consume less power than the DDR4 RAM it replaces.
It is expected that this DDR5 Ram will replace DDR4 with its Optane memory. Currently, Optane memory is not widely used for the large-scale consumer. But it promises to read and writes speeds rivaling that of RAM.
The DDR5 RAM will be twice as fast as DDR4. In addition, it offers double data density and also consumes less power while doing so along with delivering improved channel efficiency. These enhancements, combined with a more user-friendly interface for server and client platforms, will enable high performance and improved power management in a wide variety of applications.
This process of defining the standard itself might take a year or more, and even after that, server makers are likely to be the first ones to benefit from it.
In addition to this new standard for RAM, the company is also working on a new standard of hybrid memory storage called NVDIMM-P. This will combine flash storage and RAM and reside in a DIMM slot traditionally used by RAM.