This Indian Professor From Canada Has Created Roads That Repair Themselves


Indian roads network is very large said to be only after the United States of America. Since roads indirectly contribute to the economic growth of the country, thus it is essential road must be laid out and strong. But the fact is India is home to several bad roads. Although, bad road conditions are nothing new to India. This problem is being addressed since the last 30 years.

Mumbai Roads
Mumbai Roads

The roads are already built badly. When monsoons or heavy traffic take their toll, it doesn’t take long for driving on Indian roads to turn into a hellish experience.

So, Nemkumar Banthia find out a pretty awesome solution to this problem. He has developed a type of road that can repair themselves. NemKumar Banthia is an Indian professor, who teaches civil engineering students at the University of British Columbia in Canada.

This is pretty awesome. This roads comes out as a result of research in material sciences and structural engineering.

Additionally, they are cost-effective and sustainable in the long-term. As a display of proof purpose, Banthia has already installed a stretch of road at a village about 90 kilometres from Bengaluru. He completed his project in last winter.

The self-repairing roads Source Indiatimes
The self-repairing road Source Indiatimes

The road also helps reduce carbon footprint as almost 60% of the cement, in the roads has been replaced by fly ash. It is the production of cement that produces a large amount of greenhouse gases. The thickness of the road is 60% less than the typical Indian road. It also goes a long way in reducing the cost of building the road.

Banthia actually want to improve the condition of Indian roads. He said, “These are fibers which have a hydrophilic nano-coating on them. Hydrophilia means they attract water and this water then becomes available for crack healing. Every time you have a crack, you always have unhydrated cement and this water is now giving it the hydration capability, producing further silicates which actually closes the crack in time.”
