A team of scientists from the UK and South Africa recently conducted a study, where they suggest that the broiler chicken is a signal of human biosphere reconfiguration. According to scientists, broiler chicken offers perhaps the most striking evidence of the rise of the Anthropocene.
Scientists noted, “We are living in a new epoch, Anthropocene-the age of man-made impacts on the planet. The broiler chicken is a prime example of the changes we have wrought.”
They stated, “The broiler chicken is now by far the most populous bird on the planet—at any given moment, there are approximately 23 billion of them. The second most populous bird, by comparison, is the red-billed quelea, and there are just 1.5 billion of them.”
However, there are many chickens with higher body mass than all other birds combined. What’s more, they are not anyplace near their underlying native state—the modern broiler can’t survive and recreate in nature. It has been reproduced to eat non-stop, enabling it to develop to an ideal size in only five to nine weeks.
Also, as it develops, its substantial parts exceed its organs, making it unimaginable for some to get by to adulthood. And every one of these chickens is being cooked and eaten, and their bones are disposed of. Billions of bones end up in landfills where they are shrouded over in a without oxygen condition, making it likely that they will, after some time, wind up fossilized.
On the off chance that we don’t survive because of a dangerous atmospheric deviation, pandemics or atomic fighting, the scientists recommend, the following predominant living thing will probably uncover our landfills and discover proof of our affection for the broiler chicken.
Scientists noted, “The idea of the broiler chicken as a symbol for our time here on Earth may be unsettling, but other options do not sound much better. We will also be leaving behind things like plastics and radiation signatures.”
Scientists reported their findings in the journal Royal Society Open Science.