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Groundbreaking Discovery: First ever image of the Milky Way’s Supermassive black hole

The image is a long-anticipated look at the massive object that sits at the very centre of our galaxy.

Astronomers find 1701 new asteroid trails in Hubble images

Global Citizen Science Project Finds Over 1700 Asteroid Trails in Hubble Images

Hubble helps analyze the atmosphere of 25 hot Jupiters

Hubble observations used to answer key exoplanet questions

Turning Hydrogen Molecule into a quantum sensor

Technique for precise measurement of electrostatic properties of materials

Water may be common within Europa’s ice shell

Stanford researchers' explanation for the formation of abundant features on Europa bodes well for the search for extraterrestrial life

3.8-Billion-year-old crystal to point earliest geochemical evidence of plate tectonics

Crystal to point an early start for the active global process that shapes Earth's surface and climate

Micronovae – a new kind of stellar explosion discovered

A team of astronomers, with the help of the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (ESO’s VLT), have observed a new type of stellar...

Astronomers detect supermassive black hole precursor

An international team of astronomers using archival data from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope and other space- and ground-based observatories have discovered a unique...

Earth’s primordial atmosphere likely made it harder to generate lightning

The primordial atmosphere might have made it more difficult for lightning to initiate.

Surprising changes in Neptune’s temperatures captured

An international team of astronomers have used ground-based telescopes, including the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope (ESO's VLT), to track Neptune's atmospheric temperatures...

A simple ECG can pinpoint the risk of mortality in hospitalized COVID-19 patients

Study identifies hospitalised COVID-19 patients at elevated mortality risk.

New benchmark: The most distant individual star ever seen

The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has established an extraordinary new benchmark: detecting the light of a star that existed within the first billion years...